Friday 9 August 2013

Is your message getting lost in the digital world

Its very noisy and busy out there in cyberspace.

So many emails, so many adverts following you around the Internet, is your message getting lost.

Print is going through a revival process at the moment, almost seeming retro. The market place has changed dramatically and probably for the better. It makes us all think differently, especially about getting our message heard.

The most successful multi channel campaigns are integrated with print. Although digital and physical marketing should be targeting in a different way, they should also be working together for the common good.

Print has a great advantage over digital. It can be touched, played with, smelt, explored. Some of the best work we have produced here plays on these senses to make campaigns more interesting. Print is no longer just a simple leaflet of brochure. By using finishes such as in line coatings you can cost effectively have a visual and tactile impact on your print.

One of our latest projects include a direct mail campaign with a branded combination lock. You have to physically unlock the information that's waiting for you. Only then can the powerful design and high quality print do its job. You are engaged with the message and you want play with it, show your friends. The chances of it ending up being binned straight away are very slim. You will come back to the same piece again and again. Imagine being sent the same email over and over again, do you think you would even bother to open it?

To make print work it has to be innovative and creative. The information that is available about our ideal customers means we don't have to produce massive print runs in the hope some of it arrives at the right person. We can be more targeted, reduce the print run and use the money saved to be a bit more interesting.

Work with your printer to get your ideas produced in a cost effective way, get them to help you bring your ideas to life. Don't be afraid of boundaries, its amazing how many ideas we have made work with just a little thought and effort. Certainly don't be told that it cant be done!

Be seen, be heard, get it printed.

Monday 5 August 2013

Right tools for the job

I'm terrible at DIY. 

My biggest problem is that I don't have many tools so when I do come to do a little job around the house, I never have the right equipment. I usually spend hours trying to work with what i have got, wasting a lot of time and getting very frustrated. 

Then I end up rushing about form one DIY store to another, just as they are closing on a Saturday afternoon, trying to get what I need.

If I had planned what I wanted to do in advance, talked to the right people and invested in the right equipment, I might have had a more relaxing weekend!

Its the same when you are trying to produce creative and innovative marketing campaigns.

By talking to the right printer early enough, you can get help and advice on the best way to bring your ideas to life.

By choosing the wrong printer, you could end up diluting your ideas and ending up with a final product that was not anywhere near what you were wanting to produce.

By choosing a printer that is passionate about pushing the boundaries and trying new methods enables you to be more creative. It gives your campaign the ability to grab your audiences attention in the way you want.

By getting involved in the early stages of creative, your printer can advise on different methods and materials that will get you the best result in the most cost effective manor.

Don't be afraid of asking for ball park costs early on either, this way you can determine if a project is going to be affordable within a budget. And if it's not, ask the printer to work with you on coming up with a cost effective option that will work.

After all, they are the experts and have a wealth of experience for you to draw upon.

If you do involve your printer early enough, it can also reduce your lead times so when a project becomes urgent, your printer is in a much better position to react and meet a tight delivery date.

By doing this you will build a stronger relationship with your printer so when you don't have time to plan in advance, you will be in a better position with your printer to react quickly and still achieve the results you want in the time scale you need.