Wednesday 24 October 2012

At Central Colour, we have always taken our Environmental responsibilities seriously, even when deciding on the best press option for us.

We are completely IPA and alcohol free in our print room, ensuring our chemical use is at its minimum.

Not only are our inks vegetable based but all our waste ink is recycled and used for renewable energy. The used ink tins are also recycled and typically end up becoming road signs. Even our coating unit is waster based, ensuring even our luxury finishes are doing their bit to limit their impact on our environment.

Our Plate developer is neutralised, then blended with organic matter, the composite blended is allowed to decompose under regulated conditions. The decomposed matter is then tested by the regulating authority before further blending and distribution. The final Product is used as compost. Over 95% of material is recycled.

With various recycling bins around our factory and offices, we have reduced our waste collection from 6 skips per week down to just 1 skip per week.

Central Colour is currently FSC licenced and are working towards ISO14001. We currently support the World Land trust in their Carbon balanced paper scheme. This gives you the opportunity to carbon balance your printed material and help the World Land Trust in securing more land for conservation and ensuring more carbon is locked in.

In summary, our efforts to reduce our impact on the environment give you the confidence that your printed material is produced with a conscience. You are then able to demonstrate this to your customers by using the relevant logos

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