Wednesday 13 March 2013

Prints evolving.

You often hear people talking about the demise of print, how much of an old fashioned way of communication it is. You wont be surprised to hear me say that I disagree but then have you looked at how to get the most from print in today's digital world?

This video from Augmented Reality developers, Daqri show just what is possible with a little imagination.

Print is not dead, but we do need to think about how the get the best out of it. Making sure that it works alongside all you other marketing activities is important but more important is how to make sure it engages with your target audience.

If you are looking at a new rug, why cant you place the brochure on the floor where you want the rug to go, hover your ipad over it and see exactly what it would look like in your own front room?

What will that new sofa look like over in that corner - same principle, the real 'try before your buy'!

The list is endless in ways you can incorporate the fantastic benefits of modern technology and really bring print to life.

Top Manchester Agency, True North, have been involved in a virtual awards ceremony. Buy using a poster that links to a unique film each time an award is announced.

Augmented reality brings the best of the virtual world and the benefits of something tangible you can hold in your hand together. It enables you to be even more creative, to use different textures and finishes but still integrate with other marketing activities.

So what are you waiting for, lets make print work, lets really bring print to life.

Friday 8 March 2013

you need it when??

It was just another Wednesday morning when we received the call to offer us a challenge. At Central Colour, we love a challenge so jumped to it straight away.

The enquiry came across at 11.30am for 200,000 leaflets over 7 different versions that all needed to be delivered to two addresses in Hull by the following afternoon, 4.30pm latest.

By 12.30 the PDF's were approved, plates were running and paper was on its way to our centrally located factory, just off the M1 in Nottingham.

Having the flexibility of 24 hour working, we were able to print that evening and start to fold during the night.

By 9am on Thursday morning, file copies were all ready to go straight to the client for approval. We finished folding the last of the leaflets by 11.45am on the Thursday, just 24 hours after receiving the first phone call.

Being located in the centre of the country means we can get to most places pretty quickly and everything was delivered by 3pm on the Thursday, and we still had time to spare!!

We are now on the look out for our next challenge, if you have one for us then we would love to hear from you.