Monday 17 December 2012

How to get the best from your images

With all the time, effort and cost involved in achieving fantastic photography, its always seems such a shame for these images to be let down by 'average' printing.

At Central Colour, our Hi Definition printing techniques can achieve nearly twice the industry average screen resolution. This specialist process allows the finest of detail to be reproduced, making the most of your images.

Our recent investment of nearly £500,000 on the latest CTP systems now allows us to achieve even more. From the fine detail in woven fabrics to shine and sparkle of a luxury car, our crisp and clean printing will really make the most of your photography.

Sometimes though, because our Hi Definition printing is so sharp, it can highlight any imperfections. This is why our technical team assesses every project and chooses the best screen resolution for each one.

As they say, seeing is believing, so why not put us to the test. We can produce a trial to show you how your printing can be improved by our latest technology. If you have images that need to sell a product, we can really make a difference.
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