Friday 28 September 2012

Grab your coat.......

Adding that 'special finish' to your print might seem a bit extravagant at the moment but with our inline specialist coatings, it needn't cost the earth.

At Central Colour, we are able to produce a variety of luxury coatings all in line while printing. From High gloss to our very own rubbacoat, these coatings can enhance your products without the price tag that comes with laminating or UV varnishing.

Not only that but all our coatings are water based which makes them much more environmentally friendly.

The nature of the coating means that the sheets come off the press virtually dry so we are able to process these sheets straight away through one of our many in house finishing facilities very quickly.

So whether its a complex die cut piece of packaging or a simple leaflet, at Central Colour we are able to produce the luxury feel at record speed. Running at 16,000 sheets an hour, we can print up to a quarter of a million sheets overnight!.

As they say, 'seeing is believing' so get in touch and we can send some samples straight over to you.
07880 200 175